nov 09, 2024

Sovata Sprint/Beast/Kids 2024

nov 09

Sovata SPRINT Nov 9

82 € till November 4th
nov 09

Sovata BEAST Nov 9

105 € till November 4th
nov 09


20 € till November 6th

Sovata is a picturesque place with worldwide renown where people from all over the world come not only to benefit from health treatments but also to actively relax in a natural mountain setting with countless pearls of beauty. People in this part of Europe know the location, full of tourist attractions that deserve a place on every nature lover's wish list.

The city of Sovata, with its unique nature and welcoming people, offered us a fantastic experience last year. For this reason, we are delighted to bring the Spartan spirit back to this one-of-a-kind place in the world!
The tourist area of Sovata offers a combination of mountain landscapes, unique lakes, and forests that can be explored by anyone looking for an escape from the urban zone. Sovata and the surroundings of the resort have all the natural qualities necessary for a proper Spartan adventure!
The start/finish area will be located in the immediate vicinity of 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐥 𝐔𝐫𝐬𝐮. Also known as the "Dead Sea of Europe," it holds the record for the lake with the highest salt concentration on the planet, making it unique in the world. The only heliothermal lake in Europe and the largest of its kind in the world, Lacul Ursu is the most famous of the heliothermal lakes in the Sovata resort.
The Sprint and Beast courses will cover the most iconic spots in the protected area of "Lacul Ursu," of course, respecting all legal provisions for nature protection. Besides the adult races, there will naturally be Kids races for the little ones.
Join us to celebrate the final Spartan race in the CEU region, in this unique place in the world!

Race Distances
Kids Race
The Sprint
5 km
Durata media
1 h32 m12 s
Informazioni sulla giornata di gara

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